Welcome to Stock School!
Whether you’ve been part of the Stock family for years, or are new this year, and just starting your school journey, we are thrilled to have you with us! The Friends of Stock School organization is a parent run organization that garners the enthusiasm and dedication of parents to further the education of their preschoolers. We absolutely couldn't do it without the hard work and dedication of our wonderful volunteers and members. Our goal is to augment the school experience in ways that the school budget can’t and we are so excited to have you join us on this journey!
As The Friends of Stock, we work closely with our fantastic staff to ensure that everyone feels a strong sense of community. Our fundraising work funds the ChiME music program every year, supports the staff with things the school is unable to provide and sponsors events and fundraisers throughout the school year. We value open and honest communication, and we're here to listen to your terrific ideas to make this school year fun and productive for everyone.
What's New This Year?
Honestly, it is difficult to build on all of the successes Friends of Stock (FOS) has had in years past! This year, we would like to have two lead room parents, called Classroom Liaisons, who will act as the liaison and facilitator between their classroom families, the classroom teacher/administration and the FOS. The goal is to focus on building a sense of community within your classrooms, organize classroom support as needed, assist in developing and staffing Friends of Stock (FOS) sponsored events, and support the school fundraisers. We will have monthly meetings virtually and in person.
How can I become involved?
Become a FOS member! The membership fee is $25.00. We strive for 100% parent participation.
Please complete the following survey FOS: Needs your help!
Staff members are welcomed to join Friends of Stock!
For your planning purposes, we would like to provide a general outline of some of the FOS events and the anticipated physical support and monetary contributions we’re seeking this year.
What events can I lead, attend and/or help staff?
FOS is looking for your support. Would you consider chairing or joining one of our subcommittees? All of our events are free for families to attend except for Stocktober or Stockapalooza which are adult only events.
Touch a Truck
Halloween: Trunk or Treat
Fall Fest
Winter Fest
Valentine’s Dance
Staff Appreciation Week
Restaurant Night
Stockapalooza, our annual cocktail party & fundraiser
What is every family’s anticipated financial contribution for the year?
Teacher Wish List for classroom supplies: - $30: Anticipated collection date: Anticipated collection date October 1st
This will be collected by Friends of Stock and will support all classrooms with any wish lists or special requests from the teachers or support staff! -
Staff Holiday Gift - $50+/child: Anticipated collection date: November 12th
This will be collected by Friends of Stock, and Classroom Liaisons will be the point person to purchase teacher gifts. We have 62 staff members, both in and out of the classroom. We want to ensure everyone feels appreciated! -
Stockapalooza - $40: Anticipated collection date: January 27th
Our big fundraiser in May completely funds CHIME, our beloved music program led by Ms. Alli. This event helps keep the music alive for our children. Each classroom will contribute to a unique auction basket with an assigned theme. This $40 will go toward your classroom basket theme and purchasing larger raffle items. More details to come!
*Please note that your contribution will NOT go towards your ticket fee for the Stockapalooza event. -
In-Service Days throughout the year, Staff Appreciation Week in May - $30: Anticipated collection date: April 4th
We always have some fun surprises planned for in-service days such as stocking the staff lounge with healthy treats and much needed caffeinated drinks! During Staff Appreciation Week, we host a luncheon and do something special each day of the week.
Total for the Year: $150 in addition to the $25.00 family membership fee.
Although this is the anticipated per student contribution, we welcome any additional donations. Donations to our events are not required. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of Stock families, which helps support our school and staff in countless ways! We completely understand abilities and this letter simply recognizes any monetary contribution at any time. With each family membership, families will receive a Stock School car magnet!
How to Contribute?
You can bring your completed form with your preschooler’s information and membership payment (cash or check) made out to The Friends of Stock. You can also pay via Zelle at friendsofstock@gmail.com Please add your preschooler’s name in the memo section if you use Zelle. Look for the FOS Membership table at Touch A Truck, and at pick up and Drop off on (9/25, 10/3, 10/15) . If your preschooler rides the bus, please email us and we will help coordinate your membership paperwork.
Let’s Have an Amazing Year!
We’re off to a great start and can’t wait for all the fun and enriching experiences we have planned for this year at Stock School! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at: friendsofstock@gmail.com.
Thank you for being a part of our wonderful community!
Your Friends of Stock Team,
Elizabeth Connelly: President Lia Fulks: Treasurer Jason Connelly: Secretary
​2024-2025 School Year